The Solitude Power

The Untamed Ink

The Solitude Power

By The Untamed Ink

Mon 27 Feb, 2017 08:43:12 EAT
694 Views | 9 Comments | 84 Likes

#power of education  #power of a poetry  

The Solitude Power

I'm powerful you know,
They created and appointed me their priority
None of them can suffice without me
I touch millions of hearts and steer to greater heights
I mold their future from clay to glary
And give them a life free from rife
Most of who fail to carry me live in a harry
They end in a bury like a charry
My arm is felt in a great diversity

I'm powerful you know,
I provide limitations for employments
I opt for the talent and raise the excellent
My assortment is fair and dwells on the flair
My clout lingers on strides shy of bribes
I have neither relatives nor correlatives
Its why I'm free from lies and ties
I have no favor for the rich or the lich
My might have the ability to convolve and the mastery to resolve
My influence has no circumference

I'm powerful you know,
None of their authorities can halt me
I point out at their mischief like a chief
My spike is not of lice 'cause I'm wise
I darn them at once in a trance
And bewray their pieces in a solemn peace
I slay their immorality regardless of their popularity
And bring them back to. reality and immortality
I yield light and fight for rights
To free the enslaved sentient without sentiment
My sinew can't be estimated

I'm powerful you know,
None of their threats affright me
I've conquered their world and brought under my word
I rock them without tools as fools
Except with my friend the bookfell to tell
That gives them my options for their actions
They follow my orders free from odors
In their activities without objectivities
My power is free from wrangles and sorts of rankles
Its a solitude power


By The Untamed Ink
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  • Kibet
    Heiz bro...n where exactly do you get this words? its cool bro..I would like to know!Hahaha..
    373 wk ago
  • Siambe
    Good stuff .Bravo!
    373 wk ago
  • Siambe
    Good stuff .Bravo!
    373 wk ago
  • Chris
    Thanks guys, Benson nitafute nikufunze
    373 wk ago
  • Kechi
    I think you got it all wrong I think education is just little useful as compared to life since without life experience you can't figure out in life no matter how educated you are.look also at talent m
    373 wk ago
  • Chris
    Thanks Kechi for the criticism, but its good you say that you think, meaning you are not so sure of your point. Take a look at educated vs uneducated and tell me if there is any difference starting with you.
    373 wk ago
  • Kechi
    There is look at an instance of uneducated athlete who is making millions in two hours and that educated man who is still looking for work and hasn't found it
    373 wk ago
  • Chris
    What percentage of the uneducated earn those millions in two hours?
    373 wk ago
  • Chris
    What percentage of the uneducated earn those millions in two hours?
    373 wk ago

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