Smashing Beauty

Holy Boy Ritchie

Smashing Beauty

By Holy Boy Ritchie

Sat 22 Jul, 2017 20:45:02 EAT
883 Views | 4 Comments | 89 Likes

#beauty  #description  #love  

Smashing Beauty

Her American height could be noticed from a distance
Her chocolate complexion always drives crazy any man who sets his eyes on her
Her broad smile can't be compared to any lady as she surpasses them all
Her cute eyes burn with a glow that you think they can see the future
When she looks at you, you are sure she has seen all your flaws
Her lips with that pink lipstick makes men salivate
Her pure white teeth glitters like sparks of gold coz snow ain't anything

Indeed she deserves to be crowned with a crown of gold as Miss Universe
Every time she passes by she leaves jealousy behind
Her sweet scent of her perfume makes trees to bow for her as they yearn for more
She's the one who finished the materials for other ladies while being created by the creator
There are some rumors that she wasn't born but descended from heaven
No wonder her shadow always follows her to the house
She is the only unique creator on earth
Voice of the voiceless
Blessed among the blessed

Every man wants to be recognized with her
But only one person has the privilege to all these
It's neither Me nor You
But the one who created her
Our Almighty God.

By Holy Boy Ritchie
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  • Diana
    Very nice piece, keep it up
    352 wk ago
  • Miss Flo
    This is so awesome, American height got it wah kudos
    352 wk ago
  • Kechi
    This is awesome bruh I love this
    352 wk ago
  • Jannie
    Lovely...great Richie
    220 wk ago

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