Blade Chronicles


Blade Chronicles

By Eunny

Mon 28 May, 2018 12:21:33 EAT
875 Views | 10 Comments | 90 Likes

#tradition  #mutilation  

Blade Chronicles

The ground beneath her shook continuously,
Her feet almost giving in to it,
She panted and spat blood,
Trickles of sweat drenched her now tattered clothes.
She hoped that she was running in silence,
That no one could hear her,
Yet the silent screams were so loud in her head.
She hoped,
She wept,
She gave in.

Her mother sang to her to drift her to sleep,
She felt betrayed by her own blood,
The blood that will flow from her body today,
She wished it was a dream,
That she would wake up.
She hoped it was another sad story with a happy ending,
She wished against wishes,
Hoped against hopes.

The sudden gush of wind woke her up,
And the sharp pain in her abdomen shot up,
She couldn't move,
She couldn't talk.
With her legs tied together,
She had to call for help.
Her urine couldn't pass.
A part of her had been cut off,
And a permanent scar embedded in her womanhood.

Her tears went to her stomach,
Her pride washed down within hours.
She felt less of a woman,
And more of an object,
A symbol,
A human with no place.
A wretched soul

By Eunny
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Prev : Distant Lover Next : Midnight

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  • Anonymus
    I'm cringing
    307 wk ago
  • Zoqa
    This is about FGM?
    307 wk ago
  • Mwandah
    Am feeling pain
    307 wk ago
  • Nyque Ambetsa
    This is just have a way of painting a real picture in our minds ...keep writing!
    307 wk ago
  • Mr N D
    Horror it is. Perfectly described.
    307 wk ago
  • Juliet
    Paints a vivid picture,.Keep them coming
    307 wk ago
  • Jonteb
    Its all tradition. But do we really have a choice?
    307 wk ago
  • Kosgey
    307 wk ago
  • Anonymus
    Well written and the message well brought out. Love it!
    306 wk ago
  • Kodawa
    Chilling reality piece, am bought
    304 wk ago

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